Variation across methodologies and theories in the field of psychology evolved over hundreds of years, starting from the 19th century when psychology was first discovered.
With the evolution of the human brain, technology and the effects of modernisation, alongside more evidence supporting theories and therapy types, information and resources surrounding this field is so well-developed, it argues its impact across therapy types and findings.
Isn't that the beauty of the human psyche? Unlike human biology where there is no doubt what the intestines or the heart does for our system, the human psyche remains intangible and mysterious. Studies have found patterns, traits, symptoms and likelihood which has served mankind invaluable good in directing self-awareness and therefore the healing that comes with it.
Why then, do people still argue about therapeutic types or have preferences over what works better for them?
You heard it here first. There isn't such a thing as a bad therapy method, or a method that does not work. Content abound, Tiktok boasts videos after videos of coaches, therapists and psychologists educating people on mental health. Some of coaches throwing shade on various therapeutic methods, saying it's a 'wrong way'.
We all heal and perceive differently. Case in point, there are no two fingerprints alike. Exercise your own judgement, be the arbiter of your choices, like you'd want to be any way :)
So, what is hypnosis?
Hypnosis is a way of directly accessing the subconscious mind so that clients can understand what is running their unwanted behaviors. They can then become free of these through a process of suggestion that bypasses the conscious mind and the critical factor and allows the mind to accept a suggestion it would previously not have accepted.
- Marisa Peer (2017)
Many people describe hypnosis as a process through which communication between the conscious and subconscious minds can take place.
The process involves a person's subconscious mind becoming more dominant and their conscious mind less dominant.
For many people, hypnosis can feel relaxing, although relaxation is not a requirement.
The word 'relax' is usually suggested to you several times during an induction, which is what causes you to feel this way.
Hypnosis has very little to do with pendulums or swinging watches, as has been popularly depicted. The swinging watch is an example of how to capture the subject's focus, fascination and attention. These are all necessary ingredients when taking a client into an inward-focused state, but no watches or pendulums are required.
Hypnosis is all about facilitating a state of inward focus.
Some authors claim that hypnosis is not therapy in and of itself but a process of guiding a subject in and out of a trance-like state. This typically involves guiding the subject to turn their attention inwards using their imagination or assisting them to revivify memories. In hypnosis, the subject will naturally become less concerned with any external input governed by their five senses.
One of many definition in the books
Hypnosis is a communication of ideas and understandings to a patient in such a fashion that he will be most receptive to the presented ideas and thereby motivated to explore his own body potentials for the control of his psychological and physiological responses and behaviour.
- Erickson & Rossi, 1980
Trance versus hypnosis
The words 'trance' and 'hypnosis' are somewhat interchangeable, although trance can be thought of as a more informal state, while hypnosis tends to be a deliberate process. For example, a person dancing in a nightclub may experience a trance-like state as they become one with the music and dance in rhythm with the rest of the crowd. A great concert can also produce a trance-like state, as can a captivating conversation with a friend in which time seems to disappear.
If you drive, you are probably familiar with going into a natural trance when driving on the highway. You may also experience this as a passenger staring out the window of a car, train or bus. So, in essence, trance is like a natural state of hypnosis that people go into every day.
Hypnosis is about taking this natural ability to go into trance and using it purposefully, as in hypnotherapy, where it is used to work directly with the client's subconscious mind.
Gil Boyne is well known for his client-centered Regression Therapy. Gil used regression to help his clients get to the root cause of their problems instead of guessing what the cause of their problems might be.
What is the difference between hypnosis, hypnotherapy and psychotherapy? Find out here.